Metallic mesh on a faculty of Raval, Barcelona [497]

The faculty of philosophy, history and geography of UB is located in the Raval district of Barcelona, a neighbourhood of narrow streets. The southwest orientation of the façade makes the openings receive high solar radiation, which must be controlled in some way.

In this case the architects chose a shade based on a metal mesh that covers the whole opening. This mesh allows the entrance of light, transforming the direct radiation in diffused light. It also allows the vision of the street due to the small and dense perforation of the mesh.

It is a pity that this protection cannot be graduated to different situations. That is why it has to be complemented with another protection, in this case inner textile screens.

General view of the building: 
08001 Barcelona , Barcelona

Marcel Aloy, ETSAB student
PH5: Astrid Obiols, ETSAB student

Authorship of the graphical documentation: 

Marcel Aloy, ETSAB student
