The fragmented Eames House [573]

The Eames House, completed in 1949, is a magnificent example of a fragmented treatment of the facade and its filters. The large canvases are divided, with conventional carpentry, into an array of fragments that receive a special treatment. Some are opaque, others translucent and other transparent. Some are fixed; other operable by projecting outwards, and other are horizontal sliding and some other form large upwards sliding panels. The opaque panels are made of different industrial materials with different textures and colours.

The filters are composed of:
- Translucent or opaque treatment of glasses. Night time images show the variety of transparencies.
- Sliding parchment panels on low altitude glasses.
- And especially the two types of curtains from the original equipment, with different textures and opacities. The ancient photos show the intensive use that the couple gave to those curtains. The importance of these curtains can be seen by comparing these images with the naked current condition.


General view of the building: 
Eames House, Case Study House nº8
203 North Chautauqua Boulevard
90272 Pacific Palisades , California
United States
Intermediate Spaces: 
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Authorship of the graphical documentation: 

More info or photos:
LA times
Wikipedia EN DE 
Eames foundation